Body Toning Exercises.

This is Body Toning Exercises.

  This will be Exercises For Women on how to Tone their Bodies and more.  It will include Information for Women to get arms and abs into shape.

  The Information given will be from:  How Women Can Be Sexier:  1.  I have 3 E Books:  How Women Can Be Sexier: 1, 2, and 3.

  I will be putting in a SMALL Part from my E Book.  There is a TON more Information available; if you click on the Links I will put; you will go to Amazon; and if you click on the Image on the left.  You will find a TON more Information.

  Now, of course I don`t expect the reader to just buy my E Books.  As said; I will put Information from my E Books soon.  But, for now:  I am putting the Links to my E Books first.

  Click Here For More Information From:  How Women Can Be Sexier:  1.

  Click Here For More Information From:  How Women Can Be Sexier:  2.

  Click Here For More Information From:  How Women Can Be Sexier:  3.

And as said:  I am putting Information From:  How Women Can Be Sexier: 1.  It will be right after this:

“DISCLAIMER: For the best results, start small. This toning routine is targeted towards beginners, but as your body begins to shape up, you can increase your reps to create an intermediate or advanced workout.

Remember not to push yourself too far and always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise plan, especially if you suffer from any weight-related health problems.

Workout Overview

Daily Toning Workout for Women




Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Abs & Arms

Crunches, Bicycle Crunches, Toe Touches, Side Crunches, Full Sit-Ups, Knee Bends, Alternate Heel Touches, Scissor Kicks, Bicep Curls, Hammer Curls, Overhead Triceps Extensions, Cross Chest Extensions

Tuesday & Thursay

Chest, Back & Butt

Single Arm Rows, Push-Ups, Butterflies, Bent-Over Rows, Palm Press, Straight Leg Kick Backs, Standing Hamstring Curls, Straight Leg Lifts, Lunges, Fire Hydrants, Bridge Lifts, Sumo Squats

Preparing for Your Workout

Allow approximately 15 to 20 minutes each day for your workout. You’ll get faster as you get used to performing the exercises, but you may need as much as 30 minutes a day for the first week or two.

Make sure to wear tight-fitting clothing if possible. You don’t need any special equipment for this workout, but 3-lb weights will be extremely helpful. If you don’t have access to weights, however, you can use soup cans, glass jars filled with beans, heavy books or any other items around the house that weigh approximately the same amount.

You’ll also need a mat or towel to place on the floor if your exercise area is not carpeted. In addition, remember to keep a bottle of water on hand. You should drink water before, during and after your workout to keep your body adequately hydrated.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday (Abs & Arms)

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you’ll concentrate on toning your abs and arms. It’s best to never work the same muscle groups two days in a row. They need time to rest and build-up before you work them again.

Because the abs and arms are where women most often have trouble staying toned, especially as they grow older, we’ll concentrate on these areas three days a week. It may not feel like much at first, but after a few weeks, you’ll be able to see a huge difference. Now, let’s take a look at the ab and arm exercises:

Stomach Toning Exercises for Women

For your ab toning routine, begin by performing the following exercises on Monday, Wednesday and Friday:


Bicycle Crunches

Toe Touches

Side Crunches

Full Sit-Ups

Knee Bends

Alternate Heel Touches

Scissor Kicks

Arm Exercises for Women

For your arm-toning routine, begin by performing the following exercises on Monday, Wednesday and Friday:

Bicep Curls

Hammer Curls

Overhead Triceps Extensions

Cross Chest Extensions


Most people are familiar with crunches, but very few people perform them correctly. When you do them right, crunches tone and strengthen your upper abs. Watch the video below to learn the proper technique.

Bicycle Crunches

Similar to regular crunches, bicycle crunches primarily target the lower abs, although they also work the upper abs and obliques (love handles). Watch the video below to learn how to correctly perform bicycle crunches.

Toe Touches

These simple exercises are not only easy to perform, they also target your upper abs. Watch the video below to learn how to perform toe touches the right way.

Side Crunches

Unlike regular crunches that target your upper abs and bicycle crunches that target your lower abs, side crunches target your obliques (side abs or love handles). Watch the video below to learn how to perform side crunches correctly.

Full Sit-Ups

Different than crunches, sit-ups require a full range of motion as you move your torso from the floor into a sitting position. When performed properly, sit-ups are very effective in toning your upper abs. Watch the video below for tips on proper form.

Knee Bends

This exercise targets your lower abs, and it’s quite easy to perform, usually even for beginners. Watch the video below to learn how to perform knee bends.

Alternate Heel Touches

This exercise works your oblique muscles (also known as the love handles) and helps tone your entire core. It’s a simple exercise, but you’ll be able to feel the burn quite quickly. Watch the video below for a demonstration.

Scissor Kicks

These can be tough for beginners, but they work your upper and lower abs at the same time. Watch the video below to learn the proper technique and do as many as you can as part of your toning workout routine.

Bicep Curls

Pull out your weights (or soup cans) for this exercise. Although it may be tempting, remember to perform bicep curls slowly for the best results. Watch the video below for a demonstration of proper technique.

Hammer Curls

You’ll need your weights again for this one. Hammer curls work your forearms and biceps, making them a great combination exercise for your arms. Watch the video below to learn how to perform hammer curls correctly.

Overhead Triceps Extension

The overhead triceps extension uses only a single weight and targets your triceps, or the back of the arm. Many women have a problem with “flabby arms,” especially as they get older.

This exercise will get rid of that arm flab in no time. Watch the video below for a demonstration.

Cross Chest Extensions

These extensions require you to be in a lying position, and they work the triceps, or the back of the arm. They help combat the flabby arms that women often lament.

Watch the video below for an example of how to perform this exercise. Although the exercise is often performed while on a weight bench, you can also do the same by just lying flat on the floor.

Tuesday and Thursday (Chest, Back, and Butt)

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, you’ll concentrate on toning your back, chest and butt. While performing these exercises, you’ll also be working your abs and arms, but the primary focus will be on the back, chest and glute (butt) muscle groups.

Let’s take a look at the exercises you’ll need to become familiar with for this part of your toning workout routine.

Chest and Back Toning Exercises for Women

For your chest and back toning routine, begin by performing the following exercises on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week:

Single Arm Rows



Bent-Over Rows

Palm Press

Butt Toning Exercises for Women

For your butt toning routine, begin by performing the following exercises every Tuesday and Thursday:

Straight Leg Kick Backs

Standing Hamstring Curls

Straight Leg Lifts


Fire Hydrants

Bridge Lifts

Sumo Squats

Single Arm Rows

You’ll need at least one weight, soup can or heavy book to perform this exercise, which targets the back and shoulders as well as the arms. Watch the video below for instruction on performing single arm rows correctly.


Almost everyone is familiar with push-ups, but you can perform them in a slightly modified way to accommodate beginners. Push-ups target the chest and arms, and for women, they help firm and lift the breasts.

Watch the video below for a demonstration of several different ways you can perform push-ups. Choose the one that’s easiest for you to do and stick with it.


Also known as the chest fly, the butterfly exercise targets the chest muscles. You’ll need to pull out your weights or soup cans again, and you can lay flat on the floor to perform the exercise if you don’t have a weight bench at home.

Watch the video below for a demonstration, but remember it’s okay to lay down and let your elbows touch the ground during each repetition if you need to.

Bent-Over Rows

This exercise also requires weights and it targets your back muscles primarily. Watch the following video for a demonstration of the proper technique.

Palm Press

This exercise targets the chest muscles and biceps, and it’s especially helpful to women, as it helps lift and firm the breasts. Watch the video below for a demonstration.

Straight Leg Kick Backs

This exercise targets the glutes and will help you get the toned butt you want. Watch the video below to learn how to perform straight leg kick backs correctly.

Standing Hamstring Curls

This exercise targets the butt and hamstring, or back of the thigh. If you need to, stand with your palms against the wall in front of you for support until you become stronger. Watch the video below for a demonstration.

Straight Leg Lifts

This exercise is similar to straight leg kick backs, except instead of bending your knees after each rep, you’ll keep your leg straight and bring it slowly up and down to work your glutes. Watch the video below for a demonstration.


Another exercise almost everyone knows, the lunge works your glutes and thighs. Watch the video below if you need a refresher on performing lunges the right way.

Fire Hydrants

Cheekily named for their appearance (you look like a dog lifting its leg), fire hydrants are an exercise that works out the butt muscles, hip flexors and inner thigh. Watch the video below if you need a demonstration.

Bridge Lifts

This exercise targets the butt and abs. Make sure to squeeze your buns and abs tightly on each lift. Watch the video before to learn how to perform butt bridge lifts.

Sumo Squats

This exercise helps firm and tone your butt, and it also helps firm up your legs. It may be difficult at first, so only perform as many reps and you can comfortably complete. Watch the video below to learn how to perform sumo squats.

Repetitions for Beginners and Beyond

If you’re an absolute beginner, start by performing 8 reps of each exercise on the days specified above. On the exercises that require you to work each arm or leg separately, perform 8 reps on each arm or leg.

Continue this regimen for the first week, then increase to 10 reps on your second week. Increase each exercise to 12 reps on your third week, and stay there until you feel comfortable moving on.

You can usually increase your reps by two each week until you reach about 30 to 40, but don’t push yourself. You may not feel sore right away, but your muscles haven’t had a chance to recover yet.

Wait until the next day and see how you feel. If you’re really sore, you’ve pushed too hard. Your muscles should feel like they’ve been worked, but you shouldn’t be in pain. Stay at a comfortable level at all times and don’t forget to drink plenty of water while you’re working out!”

I must say now; the above link is not only so that Readers can go to where I got the Information.  I am giving Credt; I have a Collection of Articles; which I can claim the Collection is mine; as long as I give Credit to every Individual Article. I just gave Credit above.

And I will leave the Links to my E Books once again:  If after this:  The Reader wants to Click on them?

  Click Here For More Information From:  How Women Can Be Sexier:  1. 

  Click Here For More Information:  From:  How Women Can Be Sexier:  2.

  Click Here For More Information From:  How Women Can Be Sexier:  3.

I have to say:  I am not a Doctor.  I Highly Recommend before anyone start some kind of Health Plan:  Please Consult with a Doctor First; and that is not a question.  I am saying; for sure; that before making any changes in Diet and or Exercise; to Consult with both a Doctor and Dietitian if you can.  It is best to have yourself checked over; and make sure you are healthy enough to do them; before you make any new changes to your routine.

Beautiful Curvy Woman.

Voluptuous Woman










  I want to say here first; if you Comment?  Please Leave a Comment about my E Books?  Can Readers please Include Comments about my E Books?  If a Reader does Leave a Comment?

Anyway:  It would be better to leave a Comment; because I will reach you faster:  But, if you want to Email me?  I will try to get back to you.  But, I will probably get back to The Reader Faster; if The Reader leaves a Comment in the Comment Section; if The Reader wants to.

    And please; do leave a Comment about my E Books in The Comment Section; along with the rest of your Comment^

You can reach me at:

Thank you;





  1. Thanks for all the information provided here there are tons of different exercises and often that’s what is needed to relieve boredom and to strengthen all the muscles to attain maximum strength and a beautiful physique. Yor E-book looks to have al the answers for someone who is serious about reaching their peak.Well done 


    • First things First I have to say here; there is more than one E Book; there is actually 3 of them.  I don’t know why Members and Readers mix that up?  There are 3 E Books:  How Women Can Be Sexier: 1, 2, and 3.  I will put Links to them; so if you want?  You can look them over from here:

        How Women Can Be Sexier:  1.

        How Women Can Be Sexier:  2.

        How Women Can Be Sexier:  3.

        The Above are Links to my E Books.  Feel Free to try these Links; if you want to?  And when you get to Amazon; click on the Image on the left; and there will be TONS more Information.

        Thank you;



  2. I want my wife to be healthy, sexy, slim and fit with a body that is forever beautiful if you know what I mean 😉. There’s no better way than employing your methods you have shared in your books. One thing I like is the schedule in days, what to do on each day, how to go about it and average time suitable for the exercises.

    Nice job Michael.

  3. This is great! Women always concentrate on losing weight and forget about about toning their bodies. I like how this program is made for beginners all the way to advanced users. I look forward to seeing more pics and or videos of these exercises in the future. How long do you think women should so these toning exercises?

    • I have to admit; I am not the Expert here; I collected these articles; and the collection is mine.  But, each Individual article belongs to the original maker.  It may come up in a later lesson; but I am going to say here; if you want more Information; just check out my E Books; I will put the links after.  All you have to do is click on the Image to The Left for a TON more Information:

         How Women Can Be Sexier:  1.

         How Women Can Be Sexier:  2.

         How Women Can Be Sexier:  3.

        Just Click on the Links above; and you will go to Amazon; and you will be able to look at my E Books; as said; click on the Image on the Left.  And there will be a TON more Information.

        Thank you;



  4. Hi Michael. I love being in good shape and being sexy (I don’t mean nude anyways). So thank you for sharing this post on body toning exercises for women. This article covers everything needed to be done in order to achieve a much better success in toning exercises for women and I think your book is the big deal.

  5. The article about the “Body Toning Exercises” is nice. You give several information about the belly fat. Even my sister has belly fat. This information gives my sister to get arms and abs into shape. The ideas about, “Women Can Be Sexier” make me the confidence to get loss her weight and thanks for giving the recommended information. And keep creating more article.

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