High Protein Diet Foods

This is High Protein Diet Foods.  I am just going to give the readers an Excerpt from How Women Can Be Sexier:  1.  I am sure in my Weight Loss E Books there is information on this subject.  So, I am not false advertising.

Beautiful Curvy Woman.

Voluptuous Woman

My E Books are:  How Women Can Be Sexier:  1, 2, and 3.  There is 3 of them.

The next is going to be an Excerpt from How Women Can Be Sexier:  1.

“Triceps Lift


Reps: 25 per side

Grab a dumbbell with right hand and stand in a split stance with left foot forward. Bend left knee and lower torso until parallel to the ground. Keep back leg straight and shoulders facing forward.

Lift right arm to shoulder height, pointing the weight up to the ceiling. From there, pulse right arm 1 inch up and down, keeping arm as straight as possible. Do 25 pulses, then switch sides.

Triceps Pushups

Triceps Pushup


Reps: 10

Place hands directly below shoulders, feet hip-width apart. Keeping elbows pointed back and as close to your sides as possible, slowly lower body to the ground. Once your chest touches the floor, press back up to a straight-arm plank. Be sure to keep core and legs engaged the entire time. If this is too challenging, modify by dropping down to your knees. Do 10 reps.

Triceps Extension

Triceps Extension


Reps: 20

Hold one dumbbell with both hands overhead. Draw shoulders down and back and engage core. Keeping elbows pointed forward, bend elbows and allow the weight to lower down back. Extend arms to bring the weight back overhead. Keep core and glutes engaged the entire time. Do 20 reps.

Side Plank with Dumbbell Raise


Reps: 10 per side

Grab a dumbbell with left hand and come into a side plank with right elbow directly below shoulder, feet stacked. Raise hips off the ground so that your body forms a straight line from ankles to shoulders. Extend left arm straight out directly above the shoulder, still holding the dumbbell. Lower left arm back down until it’s parallel to the ground. Make sure to keep hips lifted and chest up the entire time. Do 10 lifts on each side, and then grab a jump rope for a quick cardio blast.

1-minute cardio blast: Jump rope as fast as possible for 1 minute, swinging the rope with your wrists rather than your arms.

Triceps Lateral Lift


Reps: 25 per side

Grab a dumbbell with right hand and stand in a split stance with left foot forward. Bend left knee and lower torso until parallel to the ground. Keep back leg straight and shoulders squared to the front.

Lift right arm behind body up to shoulder height, palm facing the floor. From there, squeeze entire arm in toward body. Continue this small movement in and out until you’ve completed 25 reps. Switch sides and repeat.”


  That was an Excerpt from my E Book:  How Women Can Be Sexier:  1.

  Click here For more Information on How Women Can Be Sexier:  1.

Click here For more Information on How Women Can Be Sexier:  2.

Click here For more Information on How Women Can Be Sexier:  3.

And I have to say here; I am not a Medical Professional; before starting any diet and or exercise routine; you should consult with at least a Doctor and a Nutritionist too; if you can?  Before changing what you are doing.  You should consult with the correct Medical Professional.

And if you want to?  You can leave me a Comment; in the comments section; or you can Email me; I will leave my Email Address below.  But, I will probably get back to you faster; if you leave a Comment.  So, please; feel free to leave a comment if you want to?  I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.

And I will say again; before changing your habits; you should consult with the correct Medical Professional and maybe even have a health test; to see that it is okay for you to start a diet; and or exercise.

Thank you;



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